When we think of our main goal of starting Roamaroo, it was to inspire others through our own authentic experiences – in life, love, and travel. I’d be remiss if I wasn’t completely transparent with you – especially during Mental Health Awareness Month. While we’re traveling and inspiring and bringing awareness to various facets of this beautiful world, I’m also battling a lot of my own inner demons that I keep inside. It’s difficult to even disclose because there is so much shame surrounding the subject of mental health. While on the surface, it may look like I have it all together, some days it’s difficult to get out bed, let alone get through the day. I’ve been battling anxiety for years and I do hope to break the stigma around those subjects with the help of Walgreens. Anxiety tries to get in the way of my travels, but I will not let the travel anxiety get in the way of my life.


One of the most difficult parts of struggling with anxiety is the shame that surrounds the subject. Anxiety and depression are isolating. They can make me feel like I’m not worthy. They can also make me not want to involve anyone else – to not drag anyone into this pit of worry and despair. However, I’m realizing that it’s ok to not have it “all together.” It’s ok to feel good some days and bad on other days. It’s ok to not know what you want to be when you “grow up.” Most of the adults you’re surrounded by don’t have it figured out – trust me. One thing I can promise you is that you’re not alone.

Anxiety can be crippling – especially when I travel. While I love the freedom and spontaneity that coincide with adventure, my anxiety can also leave me feeling out of control and overwhelmed by the very thing that makes me happy. It’s a balancing act that I have to monitor and recognize when I am traveling because my health will always come first.


Tips for Travel Anxiety

  • Plan ahead. Your anxiety may travel with you, but it shouldn’t define your trip. Build your anxiety arsenal prior to your trip and think about ways that you can stay calm while traveling. This could be meditation, journaling, or a special song to play when you feel anxious.
  • Don’t over plan. Having too many things to do on a trip can be overwhelming and can leave you feeling like you need to check everything off of your list. Instead, plan a few activities and enjoy your free time as well.
  • If you’re traveling with a partner, voice your fears to them ahead of time and ask for their support and encouragement.
  • I recommend exercising before and during your travels. It helps set your circadian rhythm, release positive endorphins, and disperse nervous energy.

I’m so grateful that the Walgreens app provides tools to keep me on track with my anxiety. Here are some of the benefits with the Walgreens App:

  • The Walgreens 24/7 Pharmacy chat is always there to help
  • Walgreens offers a pill reminder feature on their app to keep me on track
  • Walgreens Express TM helps make medication refills quick and easy

What I’ve noticed is that I’m usually okay when I’m moving, when I can keep my very anxiety in motion. I’m high functioning, constantly in motion, and very ambitious, but I find difficulty in the quiet moments. So what am I trying to do more of? Dig into the discomfort and marinate in the quiet. It’s tough, it’s trying, and it makes me want to get on a flight, go for a run, anything to escape the discomfort. I want to actively come to terms and understand my anxiety – even make friends with it.

I want to be able to follow my destiny and have power over my happiness instead of letting my anxiety control me.

Thank you to Walgreens for sponsoring this article. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.