People always ask us how we manage to eat healthy and stay so fit on the road and we’re here to let you in on a little secret…. Athletic Greens!
Health and wellness are of the utmost importance to us no matter where we are in the world. Whether we are rock climbing in Red Rock Canyon, road tripping across the United States, or flying to a faraway country, we always prioritize our nutrition. However, it’s not always easy to travel with a multitude of vitamins, supplements, minerals, and probiotics (I mean…do you pack that extra pair of shoes or a case of vitamins?) After discovering Athletic Greens on the Tim Ferriss podcast, we fell in love with the all-in-one nutritional support of this comprehensive and easy to use greens powder.
Our Daily Shakes with Athletic Greens
We always make a daily smoothie to ensure we’re supporting our body’s nutritional needs because it’s difficult to cover all of our essential nutritional’s from just whole foods. We used to have about 12 different powdered supplements that we’d put into the smoothie (no joke). Athletic Greens has simplified our shakes with one easy scoop that takes the place of all of those previous powdered supplements. Plus, we’re now adding even more vital nutritional supplements to our smoothie than before!

Athletic Greens also has easy to transport travel packets so we can easily pack our nutritional support with us no matter what adventure we’re embarking on. We want to pay it forward to our dedicated community of Roamers and offer the Athletic Greens Immunity Bundle exclusively to you!

All-in-one Nutrition
In one single scoop or packet, Athletic Greens provides vitamins and minerals, adaptogens and antioxidants, prebiotics and probiotics, digestive enzymes and mushroom complex, and a superfood complex. There are over 75 ingredients that are packed into one convenient, highly absorbable, and tasty scoop. Athletic Greens focuses on:
- Gut health (prebiotics and probiotics & digestive enzymes)
- Immune support
- Vitamins & Minerals
- Energy & Recovery

Subscription to Athletic Greens
We are firm believers that investing in your health is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Instead of going out to the store every month or reordering online, Athletic Greens hit the easy button on nutrition by offering a subscription-based service. By subscribing you’ll receive fresh pouches delivered straight to your door at the absolute lowest price you can find. If you don’t like it – don’t worry because there is a 60-day money back guarantee. The subscription costs less than $3/day. Since most of us spend that on coffee every day (guilty!), why not spend it on nutrients to fuel your health?

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